In order to use SharePoint Designer workflows to manipulate any column data that pulls from the Managed Metadata store, you will need to know how to call them and set them with the proper syntax. If you are comparing fields in SPD, you will need to reference the Managed Metadata field the following way: Term|GUIDxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx If you’re setting the Managed Metadata field in the workflow, you will need to reference it this way: ##;#Term|GUIDxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx or ##;#Term would work too. An easy way to get this is to set the Managed Metadata term in your list and then switch the list to Datasheet View in order to get the appropriate value. In the picture below, I have created a term store with the following terms: TestTerm1 TestTerm2 And the column “Term Column” represents the Managed Metadata field. In this case, if you wanted to set another column to TestTerm1, you would set the value of the field equal to 1;#TestTerm1 in the workflow designer. GUID # For Managed Metadata Term To get the GUID # for a specific Managed Metadata Term, you can use SharePoint Designer to output it into a text column field for you. To do this, create a workflow in SPD: This will take the Term + GUID and convert it to a string and set it equal to the value in the description column so you’ll be able to read it. Save and publish the workflow, then run the workflow on an item to get the GUID. From the picture above, “Get GUID” was the name of the workflow and the description column contains the GUID.